Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced today via the messaging platform Telegram that Ukraine’s allies will convene for a regular meeting on October 12 in Ramstein, Germany. During this gathering, Ukraine plans to present its “Victory Plan.”
In his message, Zelenskyy expressed, “We will submit the Victory Plan, which outlines clear and specific steps for a just resolution to the war with Russia.”
As Ukraine has been resisting Russia’s full-scale invasion for nearly a thousand days, Kyiv has proposed a peace plan in recent months.
While the details of the plan have not yet been disclosed, Zelenskyy briefed U.S. President Joe Biden as well as the two leading candidates for the U.S. presidency, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, during his visit to Washington last month.
A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department indicated that the plan includes “some effective measures,” and the U.S. would engage in discussions with Ukraine regarding it.
However, the Wall Street Journal reported insights from unnamed U.S. officials suggesting that the plan may merely be a rebranding of Ukraine’s requests for more weapons and lifting restrictions on long-range missile usage, lacking a comprehensive strategy.